How to plan 2015 by aligning with the planets!

13 January 2015

word cloud for year 2015

Happy New Year for 2015!

Here is my new January video tip to help you plan for 2015!

Now that January is here it’s a fun and exciting time to make plans for the year ahead. If you’re anything like me, I like to set an annual mission, one BIG thing that I’m going to achieve and when I achieve that I will have had an incredible year.

Then I set 2 or 3 specific goals and the rest goes to being flow!

To me this means having fun and navigating myself throughout the year learning, adjusting as I go and making the most of all the opportunities that surface that I don’t yet know about.

To do this successfully you need space and some flexibility. I know that even by the time February and March rolls around I will have learnt and grown and perhaps even see things very differently than I do right now.

Situations change… they can change at any moment good or bad (and of course bad is only the way you see things. If they do feel bad don’t forget to look for the lesson and seed of opportunity in the challenging period or situation you find yourself in).

your-personal-horoscope-2015What I’m doing this January that’s new and fun in regards to planning out my year ahead is studying up on the book ‘Your Personal Horoscope 2015′ by Joseph Polansky. Now I’ve never done this before because here in our coaching programs we delve much deeper into astrology and spirituality that I haven’t bothered with generic astrology.

Until now….

In 2014 I just happened to link way too many situations that perfectly collided with what the planets were doing and what was happening both in my life and the lives of others around me.

In particular the lunar and solar eclipses were so profound in initiating change they literally blew me away as to what happened at those times.

So this year, I’m looking ahead and I’m being super proactive in terms of what’s coming up and happening in the solar system.

I recommend grabbing yourself a copy of this book too (or one similar), checking your sun sign reading and observe the uncanny coincidences that happen. Or like me, even plan in accordance to the best times of the year to do certain things and see how things turn out!

Here are a few dates to be aware of:

  • Solar Eclipse – 20th March 2015
  • Lunar Eclipse – 4th April 2015
  • Solar Eclipse – 13th September 2015
  • Lunar Eclipse – 28th September 2015

Let me know in the comments below if you’ve experienced any interesting coincidences in regards to astrology, the moons or planets too!

Live Your Best Life


Jacqueline Pigdon, The LOVE MONDAYS Expert is an Australian rowing champion, a spiritual life & career coach, author and award winning entrepreneur! Beginning her career in corporate IT and as an elite sports person she knows firsthand how to achieve goals and make a successful and fulfilling career transition. Jacqueline has dedicated her life to helping other women all around the world do the same and create a career and life they love!

T: +61447728677
E: [email protected]

To get a copy of Jacqueline’s BOOK ‘Love Mondays Now – 5 Steps to a career & life you love CLICK HERE!

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