The Love Mondays Mindset Membership

Do you have a work issue that you would love resolved?

I help corporate women in their 30′s & 40′s love what they do, how and when they do it, while getting paid their worth for it!


Look forward to going to work on Monday and feel happy, energised and fulfilled when you go home to your family each day.

Is it time you started reaching your potential in your career?

Do you feel…

  • stuck doing the same thing 
  • without a clear career progression plan
  • what you’re doing is not what you were put on earth to do

Would you like to do something that lights you up instead of something that drags you down?


You wish…

  • you knew what you were put on earth to do 
  • you had flexibility around working hours
  • you had more time for your personal life and
  • you were paid much more than you are now

It’s possible when you know how!

I know you can feel quite alone when stuck in a job you don’t love, when it has some positives but deep down you know there must be something else much better for you out there…

Friends and family don’t often have the career answers for you… 

Some are unhappy in their job too, or advise you as to what they would do, not what is best for you. 

You also know one or two people who love what they do and you wish you were like them

Would you like a non-biased opinion?

  • From a professional career adviser
  • Someone who is going to listen to you and
  • Want to hear what you secretly really want to do!


I will help you make a plan!

That is:

  • Exciting
  • Easy to implement and
  • Where you can take one step at a time


Life is too short to be doing something you don’t love

I know because once upon a time I had no idea what I wanted to do 

  • even though I looked like I had a successful IT career working for a big company
  • I stressed every Sunday night about my week ahead
  • At other times I got bored and then my work reflected upon that
  • I looked at others who knew what they wanted to do, how they wanted to do it and it seemed something so foreign to me



Until I invested in myself

I was amazed that I could transform within just 3 months! 

My career adviser quickly and effortlessly showed me a new path. One that gave me such profound results, literally life changing that I dedicated myself to helping others in the same way.

You will stop feeling bad and instead you’ll be excited about going to work on Monday!

How does my LOVE MONDAYS NOW Monthly Membership work?

  • simply submit your most pressing career and work questions each month
  • and I will answer them on my monthly career advice video
  • you will not only get your questions answered but also learn from others in the program too
  • and yes you can remain anonymous!


What others are saying

“Thankyou, thankyou and thankyou! This must be my lucky year and turning point. I feel so much better after completing your course. I think my guardian angel sent you to me.

I have implemented what you suggested about being more assertive in my workplace. I even have several hours extra now! This has not only enhanced my self esteem and confidence levels but also helped me financially. How amazing you are Jacqueline!”

Jade – Nurse Melbourne, Australia

“Through Jacqueline’s program I was actually excited to go to work the next day!

I realised that I had to start to get to know myself better. What were my core strengths, what did I really love doing and ultimately what did I want? These were big questions and I’m amazed at how quickly I could answer them via the exercises in the course. I immediately started loving going to work and I’m now excited about transitioning into a brand new health and wellness industry that aligns with who I am and what I want.”

Jo – IT Team Leader London, England

“Instead of dreading going to work on Monday I created a new and exciting plan!

I had a challenging colleague that made me mad! After following Jacqueline’s advice I was able to completely turn this relationship around. We’ll never be besties, but we now have a new understanding and work together better than I would have ever expected. This has enabled me to think differently about my job and give me the space to map out exactly what I want to do next. Which is start my own business!”

Lisa -  Financial Account Executive Boston, USA

Is it time YOU got these results too?

What are you waiting for? Let’s get you resolving your career issues right away for just $27 per month! 

That’s less that $1 per day.

Simply sign up below. 

I look forward to working with you!

Get your career questions answered!


Look forward to going to work on Monday and feel happy, energised and fulfilled when you go home to your family each day.

Perfect for professional women in their 30′s and 40′s who would like to resolve issues at work once and for all

  • If you’re a high achiever but know you’re not reaching your full potential
  • You know you could be making a much bigger impact
  • And every day feels like groundhog day…

Let’s get you started!

My Vision

To help people all over the world align their natural talents, strengths and passions, to make a positive difference in the world with what they do in their personal and professional lives.

My Mission

My mission is to help others increase their self confidence, fulfil their unique purpose in life and understand themselves at a greater spiritual level. 


Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Information Systems)

Certificate IV Life, Business, Career & Executive Coaching

Wealth Dynamics & Talent Dynamics & Health Dynamics Performance Consultant

Giving Back

A percentage of all courses and programs are donated to helping others in need. So when you invest in helping yourself you know you’re helping others at the same time.

Video: Jacqueline’s unique story…